Getting Started with Flex Focus 1202 • BB1911-H • January 2016
Touch Control Panel
Start/Stop imaging.
Adjust value or size of
zoom box, etc. Hold-
ing your finger on the
key repeats the action.
In B-mode, adjust Depth.
If Doppler on, adjusts Doppler PRF. If
Color is on but not Doppler, adjusts
Color PRF.
Adjust gain for one mode only, the
first in this list that is active:
Doppler, Color, Power, B-mode.
Capture an image to the system hard disk
or print it. User-defined.
Touch pad to
move cursor
on monitor.
The Remote Control UA1237 for the Flex Focus 1202 touch monitor is
described in the Flex Focus 1202 User Guide.
To Select:
Press anywhere on the +/- key (except at either end) or press anywhere on the touch pad.
To Drag:
To drag an object on the monitor, select it and slide your finger on the touch pad to
move the cursor. If you use the touch pad to select, keep your finger down after the sec-
ond press and slide it around.
Long Click (to Delete a Measurement, Label or Body Mark From the Monitor):
1. Place the cursor.
2. Press the touch pad or
twice, holding the second press to be a
long press.