BK Technologies
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Conventional and Trunking Channels
Version information about your radio can be viewed via the “Versions”
menu item.
To review the information, open the Versions menu. Use the NEXT or
PREV to view the installed revisions of individual items.
Version information includes:
Date of release.
Overall release code.
Release code for ARM.
Release code for DSP.
File Format:
Currently installed file format.
Release code of installed
BSP firmware.
PCB Revision:
Installed printed circuit board revision number.
Date of Manufacture:
Date of manufacture.
Version of encryption module.
Current version information can be found in the service section at
Zone Select [ZONE]
(Conventional and Trunked Channels)
Zone Select allows the radio user to switch between programmed
channel zones.
The Zone Select operation can be assigned as a button, switch or
menu list item..
When Zone is assigned to a button, press the button to open the menu
of available zones.
When assigned as a menu item, open the menu as described in the
Navigation section.
Select the Zone you want to use.
Press “ENTER” select the Zone.
Also, If enabled, a zone can also be accessed directly from the keypad.
(Refer to your PC Radio Editor documentation.)
(See also, Channel/Zone Selection Options.)