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800581-2.11 NeurOne System User Manual.doc
4.11 Connecting Sensors
When preparing a subject for measurement, connect the EEG caps that have a
NeurOne compatible connector to the cap connector in the EXG amplifier back panel
(or Tesla front panel / JackBox). Separate electrode cables can be connected to the
safety connectors in the EXG amplifier front panel or Tesla JackBox.
Bipolar sensors using the NeurOne connector can be connected to the Bipolar/Module
connector in the EXG amplifier back panel or Tesla front panel. Separate electrode
cables can be connected to the safety connectors in the EXG amplifier front panel or
Tesla JackBox.
For more details and instructions on customization, see the pinouts of KEL connectors
in the appendix 1 and the D-connectors in the appendix 2.
4.12 Connecting External Devices
4.12.1 Isolated Trigger In/Out: Trigger A / Trigger B
The NeurOne Main Unit provides two isolated trigger I/O connectors: Trigger A and
Trigger B. Both connectors have one Trigger In and one Trigger Out line. In the
NeurOne PC Software, you can define which operational mode these triggers will be
used in. Available input modes are
1. Stimulus trigger
2. Video synchronization trigger
3. Mute trigger
For more details on setting up the triggers in the NeurOne PC Software see Chapter
5.8.1 Core - System Settings.
Trigger signal requirement: TTL pulse.
4.12.2 Non-Isolated 8-bit Trigger in
There is a 15-pin D-connector on the Main Unit providing 8-bit non-isolated trigger input
and output
, labeled “Trigger I/O”. The NeurOne PC Software can recognize the desired
bit combinations (1-255) sent to the input from an external device and save them to
measurement data. You can set the trigger active in the PC Software: System Settings
and Protocol. For details, see Chapter 5.8.1 Core - System Settings and Appendix 3
(connector pinout).