PELCO is a camera control protocol used with PTZ cameras. See also VISCA.
Power over Ethernet.
A port is a communications channel for data transmission to and from a computer on a network. Each
port is identified by a 16-bit number between 0 and 65535, with each process, application, or service
using a specific port (or multiple ports) for data transmission. Port can also refer to a hardware socket
used to physically connect a device or device cable to your computer or network.
Pan, tilt and zoom.
A form of standard interface commonly used to connect computers onto Ethernet-based local area
networks (LAN).
RS422, RS485, RS232
Physical layer, serial communication protocols.
Subnet or subnetwork is a segmented piece of a larger network.
A system that indicates the on-air status of video signals usually by the use of a red illuminated lamp.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a network communications protocol.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an alternative protocol to TCP that is used when reliable delivery of
data packets in not required.
VISCA is a camera control protocol used with PTZ cameras. See also PELCO.
WAN (Wide Area Network) is a network that spans a relatively broad geographical area, such as a state,
region, or nation.
White Balance
White balance (WB) is the process of ensuring that white objects and by extension, all colour, in your
video are rendered accurately. Without correct white balance, objects in your video display unrealistic
color casts.