3. General information
MS-3000/MMS-3000 magnetic stirrer is designed for effective stirring of different vis-
cosity liquids.
MS-3000/MMS-3000 is a compact magnetic stirrer with the stainless steel working
surface. It provides liquid stirring with the magnetic element rotation speed up to 3000 rpm
(max. speed depends on the magnetic element size, stirred volume, viscosity, glassware
shape, etc.). The unit is designed for operation with different size magnetic stirring elements
(20-50 mm long for MS-3000 and 20-70 mm long for MMS-3000). Other size magnetic ele-
ments may not provide appropriate operation.
MMS-3000 is equipped with an attachable stand that allows inserting different sen-
sors (temperature, pH etc.) inside the liquid.
Application fields:
Stirring reaction ingredients during the fine organic synthesis, re-
search in the organic catalysis field, different viscosity chemical rea-
Solutions preparation, dialyze, salt and alcohol sedimentation of mac-
romolecules, gradient forming in the column chromatography, etc.
Soil science
Biological and chemical substances and samples extraction, research
of the soil and ground chemical and biochemical compounds.
Using as a minireactor in the micro-organism cells cultivation, culture
medium preparation, titration, etc.