5.3.2. Tube connection. Push the tube into the fitting to the stop (fig. 6/a) and tug back to
ensure the clamping (fig. 6/b).
Figure 6. Connecting tubes
5.3.3. Disconnecting tubes. Ensure that the system is not under pressure. Press the clamp
sleeve on the fitting (fig. 7/1). This loosens the clamp and the tube can be detached
(fig. 7/2).
Use the tool for tube detaching (figure 5, right) included in the stand-
ard set, for easier operation.
Figure 7. Detaching tubes
Side door and the rear panel. Side door provides access to installation sockets for
cleaning filters and modules (figure 8). Rear panel has inlet and outlet fittings and
sockets (figure 9).
Empty unit
Work-ready unit
Figure 8. Filters and cleaning modules.
1. Deionization module socket. 2. Polishing module socket. 3. Pre-filter sockets.