Noninvasive Blood Pressure Monitoring System
2.4.1. Measurement Analysis View
Figure 5: Analysis View
If the “Peak by peak” option is selected, the NIBP250 automatically detects the peaks of the pulse signal and
marks them with white crosses as seen in Figure 5. Touching anywhere on the plotting will bring up a cursor.
Wherever the cursor is positioned, the pressure and pulse amplitude will be displayed.” If the “Peak-by-peak”
option is selected, the value of the peak is displayed. If unchecked, the value of the measurement sample is
To record systolic and diastolic points, move the cursor to the desired axis position and press the “Systolic” or
“Diastolic” buttons. The pressure values at those points will be listed in the “Results” section along with the Mean
pressure and Heart Rate values.
On the analysis window, the current measurement may be saved by pressing the “Save” button. If it’s saved after
marking the systolic and diastolic points, the saved data will also include these values in the analysis results.
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