NIBP250 User’s Guide
1.4. Animal Preparation
1. Turn the Animal Heating Chamber on.
2. Set the temperature value (press and hold P.Set and then press the up or down arrow to reach the
desired value).
For accurate noninvasive blood pressure measurement, the animal or its tail should be warmed to
3. Press the Heater button to start heating to the selected temperature value.
4. Place the animal inside the RESTRAINER “Animal Holder” (select the suitable size for the animal’s
Leave the tail outside.
Adjust the length to obtain a position where the animal has limited movement.
5. Place the RESTRAINER (with the animal) in the heating section of the Animal Heating Chamber.
6. Wait approximately 30 minutes for the animal to reach the selected temperature.
7. Remove the RESTRAINER from the Animal Heating Chamber.
8. Connect the Tail Cuff-Sensor to the animal’s tail.
9. Verify that the sensor fits the tail correctly. The sensor should be attached between the mid-point of tail
and base of tail (spinal column).
10. Wait for the animal to relax and become inactive before starting measurements.
Prior to conducting the experiment, condition the animal by putting it inside the holder several times a day and
repeat the tail heating each time. It is also advisable to turn on the sensor a few times so the animal becomes
familiar with the feel of the occlusion process.
2. User Interface and Connections
2.1. Front Panel
Figure 1: Front Panel
Figure 1 shows the front panel of NIBP250. It has a 7” LCD Display with a resistive-type touch screen user
interface. To activate controls, touch the screen with your finger or the stylus.
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