BioNomadix Logger™ User Guide
Page 24 of 28
New Alarm
– Use this button to create a new alarm in the list. Newly added alarms are independent of previous or
existing alarms, and multiple alarms can be added.
Delete –
Deletes a selected alarm from the list.
Delete All –
Clears all alarms from the list.
Setting Up a User Alarm
Access the BioNomadix Alarms dialog by choosing “Set Alarms” in the BioNomadix Logger import palette
(this appears immediately after connecting the Logger to the computer), or in Acq
via the MP
menu item “Configure BioNomadix User Alarms.”
Edit the “Time” field to reflect the desired clock time for the User Alarm to activate.
Enter the desired user Alarm prompt text into the “Label” field. (This text will appear in the Logger
acquisition screen at the set time the alarm activates.)
Use the arrow buttons in the “Count” field to set the number of audio or vibration alerts emitted by the
Logger at the set time the User Alarm becomes active.
If desired, use the “New Alarm” button to create additional alarms to trigger at later times during the Logger
Click OK.
The User Alarm time must fall within a time a Logger acquisition is taking place in order for the alarm
to take effect.
Reviewing Imported Logger Events and Audio Notes
Events and audio notes inserted during a Logger acquisition can be reviewed and
modified in Acq
by using the Event palette.
With the imported Logger data open in Acq
, choose the
Event palette via the toolbar icon
(If the Event palette toolbar icon is not visible, you can also enable
the palette via Display > Show > Event Bar and Events.)
Select an event of interest in the Events list to highlight it in the
Use the “Audio” option at the bottom of the Events palette to play
audio notes recorded during the Logger acquisition (see page 15).
Associated audio can be removed and re-recorded from within the
Events palette if desired. (Clicking “Remove” removes the audio
only, not the Audio Note event.)
For more information on adding and creating Events, see the Acq
Software Guide or watch the online
Events Tutorial Video