To super-chlorinate your pool apply one litre of liquid
chlorine to every 10,000 litres of pool water. Thoroughly
brush the walls and floor of the pool and run the filter for
at least 24 hours. It is also advised to treat the pool water
Bionizer PFP
Phosphate remover at the same
1. Backwash several times during and after this period.
2. Turn off the filter for at least six hours (or overnight) to
let any residue settle to the pool floor and then
vacuum any residue to waste before resuming normal
filter cycle. This will ensure that all algae are removed
from the pool.
3. Check that the pool water is balanced as per the Snap
Pool Balance chart.
4. Commence normal pool operation again.
After going through the above procedure, we recommend
using a flocculant (pool water polish/clarifier) to help
remove any dead algae from the pool water. This prevents
the dead algae from creating a level of phosphates again
which may cause a second algae attack.
Don't use any flocculants that remove metals or minerals
from water (such as Alum based types), as they will inhibit
Bionizer operation.
Bionizer Blue
is specially
formulated for this purpose and is 100% compatible with
your Bionizer.
Proper circulation of the pool water
is vital to the health
of the swimming pool water and to the prevention of
algae. Long periods of time between filtering can give
surface introduced algae time to protect itself with a wax
coating thus resisting the copper and infesting the pool.
We strongly recommend filtering to a minimum amount
per day to keep the water in a healthy condition. It is not
about 'filtration'. It is about 'circulation'. A Bionized pool
can be circulated/filtered to bare minimum time periods.
Let your eyesight be the guide to whether the pool water
is clean and healthy.