CL-10 Plus – User Manual
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ECPUS vers 0.2 eng
Figure 3
If the sequence runs to the end and then the instrument stops,
the test is positive (meaning that no error is detected in hall sensors routine).
If one of the sensors does not respond to the test, the sequence is interrupted
and the inefficient rotor stays under continuous rotation. This implies that the
test is negative and repair or replacement of peristaltic pump set is required
(§ 6.1.2)
control of correct stirrer motor operation
ATTENTION: in case the sensors have passed peristaltic pumps working performances check, it is required to
exit the Terminal Emulation and CL-10 working program, before accessing another Terminal Emulation
Switch CL-10 Plus off and on again, then access the working program and enter Terminal Emulation mode; then
procede as follows:
Digit ’*’ (asterisk) and wait for the screen to be filled with symbols, as in figure 1
Digit ‘+!‘ in a sequence: all the numbers and respective commands appear.
Digit ‘7’ (ref:
tst Stirrer
); on the screen a column of numbers in a sequence will
appear, spaced by a column of zero.