Issue 02 - 07/2001
SWIFT II Applications Software
SWIFT II comprises application modules for wavelength scanning, reaction kinetics,
quantification, multi wavelength, time drive and fraction analysis, and can be used to
enhance the software already included on the spectrophotometer. There are two
application packages available; SWIFT II - LAB and SWIFT II - METHOD.
SWIFT II - LAB - for general analytical purposes,
Wavelength Scanning, Reaction Kinetics, Quantification, Time
SWIFT II - METHOD - for method development,
Wavelength Scanning, Reaction Kinetics, Quantification, Time
Drive, Multi Wavelength Fraction Analysis
Recommended PC for proper operation
For optimum performance, an IBM compatible 486 or greater personal computer
running Microsoft Windows 95, 98 or NT is required. The PC should have a minimum
of 8MB RAM, 200Mb hard disk, a 1.44 MB 3.5 inch floppy disk drive, a serial mouse
installed, and free COMMS serial port and VGA graphics. Any printer supported by
Microsoft Windows 95 can be used. Contact your supplier for further information.