Issue 02 - 07/2001
Running Standards
Insert reference and standards, and press
A reference is always required in position 1, and is assumed to be zero
absorbance and zero concentration
To include a zero concentration standard, include this in the number of
standards to be entered and enter 0.00 for concentration; use another blank
when required to enter standard 1
Standards should be loaded in order of increasing concentration
Replicates and means are shown on the display as unfilled and filled
squares, respectively
Running Samples
When the instrument has standards on the display, it expects samples to be run
after the standards have been run or a method has been recalled
If loading new standards, insert reference and standards and select yes
If loading samples, insert reference and samples and select no
Samples have to be run separately and individually
If a sample absorbance is within 10% of the ends of the calibration curve, the
curve will be extrapolated linearly from the end points to accommodate this; if
this is done, it is indicated o the display and on the print out
This facility enables scaling of the results, and defines how they are to be presented
on the LCD and print out.
Enter the maximum absorbance to be shown on the display
Enter the minimum absorbance to be shown on the display
Select if automatic scaling of the results to fit the display is required post run
This facility enables the concentrations and absorbances of the standards to be
viewed, together with mean absorbance with standard error % (SE) if replicated were
used. If linear regression curve fit has been selected, the slope, intercept and
linearity of the regression are shown.