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+1 Diopter
is factory installed on the lens. This Diopter should always remain on
the lens assembly. An
Amber Filter
is included in the Accessory Kit. Place the Amber filter
in position 1 or 2 of the Filter Slider (See 4.2.1). The Amber filter should be used for
fluorescence (UV) and colorimetric (White light) applications.
4.3.2 System Initialization
Before starting the initial test please make sure that:
1. The software and the digitizing board are installed properly (See
Appendix C and D
2. The cabling harness is connected properly. (See
Appendix A or B
Please follow the procedure in the table to ensure that the Universal Hood II is functioning
STEP 1: Initial test for the Universal Hood II:
Control Panel
Make sure the door and drawer are closed and the computer is switched on.
Turn on the system.
Power LED turns on after short blinking.
Wait for 30 minutes for Camera to
warm up
Nothing will change except the Camera will warm
Press the Epi-White key.
Epi-White LED turns on.
Open the door.
Epi-lights are on, Trans UV LED blinks.
Press the Epi-White key again.
Close the door.
Epi-lights and LED are turned off.
Trans UV LED turns off.
Press the Trans UV key.
Trans UV LED turns on.
Open the door.
Trans UV LED blinks.
Close the door.
Trans UV LED turns off.
Press the Trans UV key.
Trans UV LED turns on.
Open the drawer.
Trans UV LED blinks.
Close the drawer.
Trans UV LED turns off.
Press the Trans UV key.
Trans UV LED turns on.
Press the Prep UV key
Prep UV LED turns on.
Press the Hold key.
Hold LED turns on.
Open the drawer.
Trans UV LED blinks, Prep UV LED and
Hold LED turns off.
Close the drawer.
Trans UV LED turns off.
Note: The Light Source buttons on the control panel are disabled when the Imaging
LED blinks (indicating that the computer is switched Off).