Bike Sport Developments Ltd
Tel 0044 (0)1327 263942
Manual revision 09, 07/11/2015
Bike Sport Developments Ltd
Unit 3D Manor Business park, Grants Hill way, Woodford Halse, Northants, NN11 3UB - UK
Tel: 0044 (0)1327 263942
– Bike Sport Developments Ltd - 2015
‘power up’ and first use.
– When first plugged in (ignition switch OFF) you will see this sequence of LED events because the Blip Box
module is getting power from the rear CAN connector but all bike systems such as the ECU are OFF.
1. LED is solid ON for 2 seconds to indicate power up
2. LED blinks twice to indicate a diagnostic state relating to the throttle grip. This is because the ECU is still OFF and the
signals the Blip Box reads are invalid.
3. During this time the Blip Box is looking for CAN data from the ECU.
4. After 30 seconds of no CAN activity the Blip Box will automatically turn itself off and all LED activity will cease.
5. The system is now waiting for you to turn on the ignition in a normal way.
Normal Power on sequence if the bike has been switched OFF for at least 30 seconds. When you turn ON the ignition:
1. LED is solid ON for 2 seconds to indicate power up
2. LED blinks twice to indicate the start of self-calibration.
3. LED blinks 3 times for approximately 6-7 seconds (3 events of triple blink) , module is self-calibrating and is perfectly
4. LED turns off and will now only activate when the load cell threshold is reached for UP or DOWN shift, or there is a
Normal Power on sequence if the bike has been switched OFF for less than 30 seconds. When you turn ON the ignition.
1. In this case the Blip Box module never actually turned off so there are no LED indicators or self-calibration
Normal ignition OFF sequence
1. First you will hear the main bike relay click off.
2. Blip Box will display a 2 x blink error code as the throttle grip signals go out of range when the ECU turns off.
3. The CAN data from the ECU also stops when you turn off the ignition so Blip Box goes to sleep after 30 seconds of no
CAN activity.
4. At this point the LED diagnostic activity also stops.
Summary of activation conditions for the Blip and shift system to work normally.
System not to be in a diagnostic state / bypass mode
Load cell to have exceeded threashold Mv
The inhibit time must have been exceeded since previous shift
– Default is 0.35seconds
The load cell must have returned to it’s resting Mv before another blip can occur, remember to take your foot off the
lever between shifts.
Engine must be above minimum RPM
– Default is 3000rpm
Throttle grip must be lower than threshold (therefore closed)
– Default is 3%
Rear wheel speed must be above minimum
– Default is 30kmh
Clutch switch must be out (clutch not pulled in). Note that the system is designed not to BLIP if the clutch is pulled in but
due to the delay in Blip Box getting the clutch signal over the CAN bus it is very likely that users with a fast
‘clutch / shift’
action can beat the system and still get a blip even when using the clucth.
Summary of activation conditions : Up-Shift output
System not to be in a diagnostic state / bypass mode
Load cell to have exceeded the Mv threashold
The load cell must have returned to it’s resting Mv before another blip can occur, remember to take your foot off the
lever between shifts.
The inhibit time must have been exceeded
– for up-shift