Bike Sport Developments Ltd
Tel 0044 (0)1327 263942
Manual revision 09, 07/11/2015
Bike Sport Developments Ltd
Unit 3D Manor Business park, Grants Hill way, Woodford Halse, Northants, NN11 3UB - UK
Tel: 0044 (0)1327 263942
– Bike Sport Developments Ltd - 2015
Load cell fitting
1. Remove the standard shifter switch and disconnect it from the bike wiring loom.
2. Measure the total length of the standard shift rod (between centres), this will allow you to re-make the new shift rod
assembly to the same length and give you the same shift lever height
– Standard ‘centre to centre’ distance is 258mm
3. Remove both the upper and lower rod ends and the rubber shrouds from the standard shifter assembly.
a. The Lower rod end and nut are left hand thread, this is re-used at the
on the new load cell
b. The upper rod end and nut are right hand thread, this is re-used
at the
end of the new 150mm extension rod.
4. The extension rod is 150mm in length and suits a standard foot rest
5. Adjust the new load cell shift rod to be the same length as the original
via the upper or lower rod end adjusters making sure that there is always
10mm of thread used.
6. During assembly
apply spanner force to both sides of the shift
load cell when tightening lock nuts. This will cause twisting and damage
to the load cell that is not covered by warranty.
7. Use Loctite 243 (or similar thread retainer) to ensure lock nuts do not
come loose during use.
Standard gear Lever arm
– pointing forwards
The lever layout shown in this image is standard for road-shift with the
lever pointing forwards.
Without any load on the sensor the voltage should be 2.5v. Note that
even if the real voltage drifts over time the system self-calibrates at
power ON to shift this back to 2.5v internally even if a multi-meter shows
an error.
The system has a maximum self-calibration of +/- 0.5v, beyond this the
sensor is considered to be permanently damaged.
Stretching (PULL) the load cell (up-shift) has a typical set point of 2100
mV, a change of 0.4v.
Compressing (PUSH) the load cell creates a higher voltage with the
default BLIP threshold at 2850Mv , a change of 0.35v
Your system is normally supplied with the load cell direction set to suit your bike, but if not, it can be changed in the Win Blip
software as described below, or by s
imply loading one of the Blip maps with ‘REV’ in the map name for Reverse direction.
Connect all systems and wiring as normal and turn on the bike, wait for 20 seconds for start-up auto-calibration LED to
stop flashing on the module.
Connect WinBlip and use the View Data (live data) screen to see the Mv of the load cell (it should be 2500 at rest)
Pull UP on the lever (upshift) until you feel the gear selector start to move and note the Mv at this point.
Push down up on the lever (downshift) until you feel the gear selector start to move and note the Mv at this point.
Open a normal Blip map for your bike and edit the Mv thresholds for the UP and DOWN shifts, then SEND to the bike
Re-check these new thresholds using the Led on the box and the icons within the live data screen to check the direction
is correct.
The load cell components are all supplied loose enabling custom length installation to be made with ease. The load cell should be
fitted with A at the top so the cable points upwards.
A = Left hand thread
B = Right hand thread
C = Right hand thread
The shift rod length is set to suit a bike with standard linkage arrangement. If you need a longer or shorter rod the standard
150mm rod may be replaced or modified before it is fitted to the load cell. Both ends of this standard rod
are M6x1 with right
hand threads.
15 0m m
Fi t w i th L oc ti te 2 43