6. Close V-Brake
Close the V-brake in the
reverse order of opening it.
Press both arms together (A),
and insert the noodle (B) into
the noodle holder (C).
The end of the noodle has a
bullet shaped tip that should
be inside the holder, but just
sticking through the cable
5. Reconnect V-Brake
Before closing the brake
check to make certain that
the housing is properly
seated into its ferrules at
both ends. With the brake
open, the housing can slip to
the side and keep the brake
from closing properly. Com-
mon places to check are the
brake lever barrel adjuster (top), and where the housing enters the
noodle (bottom).
Operating V-Brake
4. Brake Barrel Adjuster
To add some more brake
cable slack, you can turn the
barrel adjuster on the brake
lever. The barrel adjuster
is the knurled bolt that the
cable housing goes through
as it enters the brake lever.
Turn this adjuster clockwise
to loosen the cable.
There is a lock nut on the adjuster, which will need to be
loosened first.
To Add
Cable Slack