The Mic/Line 1 / Mic/Line 2 tab on the Mix screen provides level faders & mute buttons for mixing Mic/Line Inputs 1 & 2 to both the Main &
Zone Outputs. The faders on each input can be assigned for separate left/right or stereo ganged operation. Each Mic/Line Input includes
adjustable Gain, with a Peak indicator and a signal level meter. Gain adjusts the input to compensate for different signal levels. For best
performance, adjust Gain so the Peak indicator flashes on occasional peaks in signal level (8dB before clipping). Each Mic/Line Input also
includes selection boxes for Enable, High Pass Filter, & Phantom Power. Enable Main allows that Mic/Line Input signal to be available for
mixing to the Main Output. Enable Zone allows that Mic/Line Input signal to be available for mixing to the Zone Output.
Main & Enable Zone also affect the ability for the associated Mic/Line input to initiate ‘ducking’ (see Miscellaneous Screen on pg. 10).
Pass Filter reduces the Mic/Line Input low frequency signals 6dB/octave @ 110Hz. Phantom Power turns on +24 Volt at the Mic/Line
Input, for powering condenser mics. EQ provides Bass & Treble equalization (tone control) for each Mic/Line Input. Main Mic Priority
selects which Mic/Line Input (if any) shall have priority over the other Mic/Line Input, at the Main Output. Zone Mic Priority selects which
Mic/Line Input (if any) shall have priority over the other Mic/Line Input, at the Zone Output.
Mic/Line Input signals are mixed to the
outputs ‘post-fader’. Therefore, Main/Zone Output EQ and fader settings do NOT affect Mic/Line Input signals which appear at the outputs.
The bottom of the screen shows on/off status of the eight Logic Inputs and the eight Logic Outputs. Sixteen buttons are provided for
recalling non-volatile memory presets. A separate Store button provides a menu for storing settings into the sixteen memory preset
locations. Presets contain settings affecting all inputs/outputs. The title bar at the top of the Mix screen shows Device #, custom Device
Name, & model of product being controlled. BiampWin software can operate ‘off-line’ (no product connected) by opening a ‘new’ file for the
desired product. The Device # for ‘off-line’ files is assigned sequentially as a negative number.