The Configuration Options screen is accessed through the Configure SPM723 menu, and the Channel 7 Override tab on the Configuration
Options screen is then used to select options which customize the function of the Override terminal (see Front & Rear Panel Features on
pg. 3). When Channel 7 Override is released, the previously selected Stereo Line Inputs for each output will again be selected. However,
these signals will initially be attenuated, and will then return to their normal levels as determined by the following parameters. Main Duck
Amount & Zone Duck Amount open drop-down menus of 41 attenuation choices (0dB~80dB) for the stereo Line Input signals at the
associated output. Main Duck Ramp Rate & Zone Duck Ramp Rate open drop-down menus of 200 return rate choices (1dB~200dB per
second) for the stereo Line Input signals at the associated output. Override Hold Time opens a drop-down menu of 256 hold time choices
(0~63.75 seconds).
Hold Time determines how long override remains in effect after triggering (manual or automatic) is released.
Hold Time is not the same as Ramp Rate, which determines how fast a signal returns to normal after Hold Time has elapsed.
Override Input Behaves Like a Programmable Logic Input will disable the Channel 7 Override functions described above, and instead allow
the Override terminal to be used as a logic input, which can then be programmed like a remote control button (see Setup on pg. 8).
However, a logic input can have two ‘button definitions’, one for when the circuit is ‘closed’ (activated) and another for when the circuit is
‘opened’ (released). Therefore, drop-down menus of the forty possible control buttons are provided for both the ‘closing’ & the ‘opening’ of
the logic input circuit. The logic input can still be triggered manually (via contact-closure) or automatically (via signal present). Restore
Defaults opens a pop-up menu, which allows the Channel 7 Override options (or all Configuration Options) to be set back to their factory
defaults. Help provides additional instruction. Close will return you to the Mix screen.