The Zone Program tab on the Mix screen provides level faders & mute buttons for mixing Line Inputs 1~7 to the Zone Output. The faders
on each input can be assigned for separate left/right or stereo ganged operation. Line Input 7 includes a signal level meter, and can be
assigned as either a normal unbalanced stereo line input or as a special balanced mono line input. The Zone Output section also provides
faders which can be assigned for separate left/right or stereo ganged operation, and includes a mute button, a 3-band mid-sweep EQ, and
a signal level meter. In addition, the Zone Output may be switched from stereo operation to mono operation (a mono sum of the left/right
signals then appears at both outputs). The bottom of the screen shows on/off status of the eight Logic Inputs and the eight Logic Outputs.
Sixteen buttons are provided for recalling non-volatile memory presets. A separate Store button provides a menu for storing settings into
the sixteen memory preset locations. Presets contain settings affecting all inputs/outputs. The title bar at the top of the Mix screen shows
Device #, custom Device Name, & model of product being controlled. BiampWin software can operate ‘off-line’ (no product connected) by
opening a ‘new’ file for the desired product. The Device # for ‘off-line’ files is assigned sequentially as a negative number.