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MODBUS Communications:
13.Modbus Protocol Overview:
Stepper Motor Drive Configuration And Control can also be done from remote location via MODBUS
communication. Following sub-sections describe the MODBUS function codes used and, addresses for
each parameter for display and configuration.
The Configured parameters can only be read from the PC application using function code 0x03, and
modified using function code 0x06 for single 16 bit register value and for Modify/Write more than one
register Multiple register value using function code 0x10 .
When Motor drive run in Auto cycle Mode Input relays are used to control cycle start stop these are
single bit values. So that to modify switch status function code 0x05. For each cycle state (start at and
stop at) output coils status is read by using function code 0x01.
Read Parameter:
Function Code 0x03(Read Holding Registers)
*N = Quantity of Registers
For configuration parameters exception code 03 indicate that the data send is out of the boundary
Write Parameter
(Single Register)
Function Code 0x06(Write Holding Registers)