Machine type:
Universal log splitter
USP 13 H -6 ,
USP 16 HZ - 2
USP 13 HZ -6 ,
USP 16 HZE- 2
USP 13 HE -6 ,
USP 22 HZ - 2
USP 13 HZE-6
Production number:
See model label
Applicable European Standards:
Other Standards:
EC Machine Directive Nr. 2006/42/EG and further additions
and modifications
EEC Low Voltage Directive (EC 93/68 EWG) 2006/95/EG
EC EMV 2004/108
To assure full compliance with law requirements, due
considerations was equally taken for the following harmonized
DIN EN 55014-1: 2006
DIN EN 50014-2 : 1997 + A1 : 2001
DIN EN 50104
DIN EN 61000-3-2
DIN EN 61000-3-3EN 609-1
René Pareis
We hereby declare that the equipment described in this manual responds in full to the actual version
brought on the market. We, the manufacturer further declare that this equipment was duly designed
and manufactured in accordance with the actual European Safety and Health Standards settled by the
relevant EEC directives as well as the latest electromagnetic standards issued by the European Council
of 3.5.89 and later enforcedby all member states.
This statement of compliance does not apply to customer modifications of the equipment without
manufacturer’s written approval. The manufacturer shall not be responsible for such modified equip-
ment and machines.
Official user language: german
René Pareis
English (User‘s release)
to EC Machines Directive No. 2006/42/EG and EMV 108/2004 CEE