The file is entering
the root canal
Close to the arrow
area, The relative
value to the apical is 0.5
Reached the APEX
The motor auto-stops
Over the APEX
auto-exit when the file
tip reaches APEX
4.2.5 Root apex locator Demo and self-checking
In order to reduce the user’s key operation, DEMO and the internal detective apex
locator will be processed in parallel.
ApexPilot All-In-One embedded calibration circuit, and there is no need to ration
calibration modules.
Demo animation is the whole process to measure the length of Apex Pilot All-In-One
apex locator. Simulation shows that the file enters the root canal, reaches the apical,
beyond the apical, the change of display and warning of ApexPilot All-In-One at
each stage.