Installation guide - beyertone
multiLAN Ver. 3
8.1 Download details
Please note the following additional
on using the download function:
When downloading audio files you can, if you wish, assign files to a particular me-
mory location simply by starting the name of the mp3 files to be downloaded with a
three-digit number followed by an underscore, e.g. '005_music.mp3' for music me-
mory location No 5 or ‘103_Announcement.mp3’ for announcement memory location
No 3; all other files will then be assigned to free or unused music memory locations
in sequence
- announcement files must be provided with leading memory location number
for music memory locations 1 to 100 use name prefix ‘001_’ ... ‘100_’, and
for announcement memory locations 1 to 100 use name prefix ‘101_’ ... ‘200_’
- the filename prefixes as described above will be truncated from the filename when
storing the filenames in the memory location lists after the download
To download files, the beyertone
multiLAN makes exclusive use of the hypertext
transfer protocol (HTTP) commonly used for displaying websites; no FTP access is
required, i.e. no data is used for user login, etc.
The beyertone
multiLAN downloads files only from the URL entered in the
download settings (e.g. 'www.myserver.com/folder'); it will
access any other
addresses nor, in particular, will it transfer any files from the appliance to the URL or
delete files under the URL.
For the download function to work the web server used must be able to perform a
directory listing on request, at least for the directory entered under 'URL'. Please
check these web server settings. A simple way of activating this function is to create
a file called '.htaccess' (with nothing in front of the dot!) in this folder and using a text
editor add a line containing the text 'OIndexes'.
The download function of the beyertone
multiLAN can be used to transfer not only
audio files but also updates for the appliance, e.g. *.bin files for updating the
firmware on the appliance (files of this type and information on their availability can
be obtained on the website indicated in Section 12) or *.cfg- and *.tpl files for global
preconfiguration of the units. Please note that for updates where several files are
made available as a zip archive, for example, this archive must first be unzipped and
the files it contains then made available for download under the URL. (Note: after
downloading updates the unit will restart automatically to install the updates.)
Please note that apart from the '.htaccess' file, the folder specified under 'URL' may
contain only mp3 or mpm files plus any update files made available by
BEYERTONE. In particular, the folder may
contain any files with the names
'index.htm', 'start.htm' or 'default.htm', etc.