Install a 60" long 2x4 in the center of the wall panel, at the top. Use 10d sinkers.
Siding Extends 3/4" Below Plate
LAP Edge
Tongue Edge
Cut Edge
13. Install a 60" long 2x4 in the center of
the wall panel.
Select the other end wall frame.
10. Square wall frame. Select a 12-1/2" wide siding panel with a 'tongue' edge. Install this
panel with the 'Cut' edge flush with the end of the wall frame. Install siding flush with
the 2x4 top plate.
11. Install (2) two full width x 75-3/4" long siding panel next.
12. Install a 11-3/4" x 75-3/4" siding panel last.
Step 2
Assemble End Walls Continued