Note! In OFF-position the operator will comply with the Low Energy Regulation.
Program selector (wall mounted)
• Input for OPEN, EXIT and OFF (if no program selector, AUTO is default).
Note! In OFF-position the operator will comply with the Low Energy Standards if given a KEY
• Input for OUTER impulse, KEY impulse and OPEN/CLOSE impulse.
OPEN/CLOSE impulse
The impulse will open the door and the door will stay open until a new impulse is given. If no impulse
is given the door will close after 15 minutes. This can be made infinite by changing group of para-
meters, see page 66.
OPEN/CLOSE impulse works only in program selection AUTO. Can be programmed for OFF and EXIT
as well, see page 66.
Functions on the extension unit EXU-SA
Also see page 57 for more information.
Presence impulse approach, door mounted / Door mounted presence sensor, non swing side
The presence impulse is active during fully open and closing. The sensor is mounted to the approach
side of the door. Once the door is closed, the sensor is ignored and will not be active until the next
impulse is received.
Note! When installed as a pair of doors, the presence impulse signal will re-open both doors. The
sensor is not active in program mode OFF or manually opened door (Power Failure Mode or during
KILL function).
Presence detection swingpath, door mounted / Door mounted presence sensor, swing side
When a sensor that is mounted on the swing side of a door detects an object, it will send a command
to the control unit to stall the door. If the control unit has received a short signal from the sensor
and there is still hold open time left on the control unit, the door will continue on its way open if
the object has cleared.
The inhibit/blanking potentiometer can be adjusted so that the sensor will avoid detecting a wall
or object near the full open position. Presence detection has a higher priority than presence impulse.
Note! When installed as a pair of doors the presence detection signal will stop both doors, except
for double egress doors. The behavior for double egress doors can be changed . The sensor is not
active in program mode OFF or manually opened door. In this OFF-mode the operator fulfills the
Low Energy Standards.
Monitored safety sensors
Both presence impulse and presence detection can be monitored. If a sensor becomes defective,
the operator will not accept any impulses and will then work as a manual door closer.
Relay output
• Error indication
A potential free contact COM/NO/NC for external error indication, see “Error indication” on
page 72.
• KILL output
Issue 2013-02-10
4 How the Besam SW200i works