2 Safety
Shields for Flange Mounting
44192BA2, Rev.03, 07/2021
Emergency Procedure
In case of serious operational trouble, such as fire or explosion, which could
adversely affect the radiometric measuring facility, it cannot be ruled out that the
function of the shielding lock, the shielding efficiency or the stability of the source
capsule have been impaired. In this case, it is possible that persons in the vicinity of
the shielding have been exposed to higher levels of radiation.
If you suspect such a severe malfunction, the Radiation Safety Officer has to be
notified immediately. He will then investigate the situation immediately and take
all necessary provisions to prevent further damage and to avoid more exposure of
the operating staff to radiation.
The Radiation Safety Officer has to make sure that the measuring system is no
longer in operation and then take appropriate steps. He may have to inform the
authorities or contact the manufacturer or supplier of the measuring system.
If adequate know-how as well as suitable instruments are available, emergency
measures may be taken immediately. In this case, proceed as follows:
Locate the shield.
Check the function of the shielding.
Check the efficiency of the shielding by measuring the dose rate.
Secure and label radiation protection areas.
Secure the shielding with source.
Document the event and estimate the possible radiation level to which the
persons involved were exposed.
If you suspect any damage to the source capsule, the following points have to be
observed as well:
Avoid contamination.
Take hold of source using a tool (a pair of pliers or a pair of tweezers) and
put both (source and tool) into a plastic bag.
Secure them behind an auxiliary shielding (concrete wall, steel or lead plate).
Check if the environment is free of contamination.
Make sure the radioactive waste is secured and disposed off in compliance
with the pertinent regulatory requirements.