INTELLISWITCH™ FAQ’s Continued (Frequently Asked Questions)
4. If the air curtain is heated, make sure that the thermostat
isn’t wired to the door switch leads. Door switch leads
are blue and labeled 9 & 10.
Q. How can I check the door switch to be sure it’s working?
The Intelliswitch™ may be in the wrong mode, be mis-wired
or have a faulty door switch.
1. First test the wiring and controller function at the
same time. Locate the door switch and open its wiring
compartment. There should be two wires connected to
screws inside the switch. There is no danger of getting
shocked because the signal is 5 volt DC. Be sure not to
touch the wires to anything metal (or grounded). With
air curtain in “Auto” mode, either disconnect both wires
from the screws (marking which screws the wires are
under) and touch them together or make a short jumper
wire and touch the jumper to both screws at the same
time to see if air curtain comes on. If it does, the control-
ler and wiring work.
2. If the wiring and unit pass the function test, the problem
could be either misalignment or a faulty door switch. On
a magnetic reed switch check for magnet alignment, for
plunger/roller type switch, check contact engagement
with door.
3. If you have access to an electrical test meter, the door
switch contacts can be tested for continuity when the
door switch wires are disconnected from the unit.
Q. Why won’t my heat shut off?
The Intelliswitch may need adjusted, have been mis-wired or
have a faulty thermostat.
1. Heat is activated by one of two thermostat connections.
To test the internal thermostat set the external thermo-
stat to OFF. The settings of the unit mounted thermostat
probe are accessed through the display. Press the down
arrow until the Temp Set indicator lights up; check if the
temperature setting and unit of measure are correct. Test
to see if it shuts off by setting the thermostat tempera-
ture to OFF or lower than the room temperature.
2. If an external thermostat is connected to the unit, there
could be a short in the field connections or the thermo-
stat leads may be mis-wired. To test the external thermo-
stat set the internal thermostat to OFF. Disconnect the
external thermostat connections at the unit. Open the
wiring compartment on top of the unit and be cautious
of high voltage connections. Disconnect the orange
wires labeled 6 & 7 from the field wiring or make sure
they are not tied together. There is no danger of
getting shocked because the signal is 5 volt DC. Be sure
not to touch the orange wires to anything metal (or
grounded). The heat should shut off when the wires are
separated. For more complex troubleshooting of either
thermal cutouts or heater relays, please consult a quali-
fied electrician or consult the factory.
Q. Why didn’t the Intelliswitch™ save the changes I made to
a program?
If a program is active (a dot is illuminated under one of the
clock digits), changes can be made to any settings on the User
Menu. These changes however will only remain in effect until
the program changes to the next time zone. To make changes
permanent, settings must be changed in the program from the
Program Menu. Access the Program Menu by holding down the
"-" button for 5 seconds until “Pro” is displayed. Arrow down to
select the program to edit and press "√" to select the program
editor. Use the down arrow to step through the options and
make changes as desired using the "+" and "-". Continue to
press the down arrow until "Stor" is displayed. Press "√" to keep
or store the changes.
Q. How do I undo a change that I made to a program in the
Program Menu?
Changes to programs cannot be undone.
1. Changes can be changed back by going to the program-
ming menu and re-editing the program back to what it
was or resetting all programs back to factory default.
2. Resetting the programs to the factory default must be
done on the Factory Menu. Access to the Factory Menu is
from the Diagnostics Menu. Press the info "i" button and
“diag” is displayed. From the “diag” display press and hold
the "+" for 5 seconds until “Fact” is displayed. Use the
down arrow to select “DEFn” on the display then use the
"+" to select “DEFP”. Press “√” to reset. The control display
will go blank then blink as confirmation.
Q. My air curtain won’t turn on?
The Start and Stop time must be set to the exact same time
for the unit to be active full time. Check the AM/PM setting on
the Start and Stop times or the clock (considering the PM
indicator light when setting values). If a program is being used,
check to see if a program is active that may have different start/
stop times than those expected.
Q. My building has a Building Management System, can the
Intelliswitch work with a BMS?
The Intelliswitch can be controlled by a Building
ManagmentSystem (BMS) but currently does not have the
ability to communicate directly with them. Dry contacts on
the BMS may be used to control the unit activation through
the door switch connections (blue wires 9 & 10) and the heat
activation thought the remote thermostat connections (orange
wires 6 & 7). Consult factory.
Continued on next page ...