Operational Modes
There are six unique modes of operation:
MODE 1: Free standing gated tethered portal
MODE 2: Free standing gated untethered portal
MODE 3: Wall‐mounted unidirectional
MODE 4: Free standing unidirectional
MODE 5: Free Standing omnidirectional
MODE 6: Free standing bidirectional
Modes 1 and 4 are the most commonly used so this manual will focus mostly on them but all modes are
supported using the dual pole configuration. By default, the single pole SentryHound-Pro ships supporting
modes 3 and 5. If you have received the dual pole configuration, the default modes are 1 and 2. Modes 4 and 5
require a button combination to activate.
Mode 1: Free standing gated tethered portal
In this mode, two SentryHound-Pro poles are used as a
tethered portal in order to guide foot traffic and increase
detection distance up to 64 inches between poles. Be sure
that both units are placed on solid, level flooring
(preferably concrete or tile) with no give or else they might
falsely trigger. Once the poles are linked, even small
amounts of ferrous material passing anywhere in between
the two poles, from ground level up to 75 inches above the
ground, will trigger an alert. Poles will only trigger while
someone is moving between them meaning security staff
can move freely around the portal without triggering any
Setting up this configuration is simple. Be sure both units are placed a few feet apart (you can adjust final
spacing later) and that the IR sensors are facing each other. The alert LEDs on one side of the poles, the buttons
and the SentryHound-Pro etching on the base should all be viewable and easily accessible from the outside of
the portal allowing only foot traffic within the portal to be detected as they pass through.
Once aligned, pressing the POWER button on both units within 4 seconds of each other will automatically link
the two poles. The first unit powered on will automatically become the master pole making the other unit the
slave. The master unit ALERT button will blink 3 times to indicate that tethering is successful.
Note: If ferrous material passes through the portal at the same time that someone else moves near the portal,
there is a risk of false detection. SentryHound-Pro should always be setup in an area with minimal
ferromagnetic activity. This activity can include large moving ferrous objects such as wheeled office chairs,
filing cabinet drawers, steel doors and even large trucks in a nearby parking lot.