Copyright © Berghof Automation GmbH
Reproduction and duplication of this document and utilisation and communication of its content are pro-
hibited without with our express permission. All rights reserved.
Infringements will result in compensation for damages.
The content of this document has been checked for conformity with the hardware and software de-
scribed. It is, however, impossible to rule out all discrepancies. As a result, we cannot be held responsi-
ble if the content is not fully compliant. The information in this document is checked regularly and any
necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for improvement are always
welcome. Subject to technical modifications.
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-dialog are registered trademarks of Berghof Automation GmbH.
, Windows
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logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the
USA and other countries.
is a registered trademark and a patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automa-
tion GmbH, Germany.
and CANopen
are registered community trademarks of CAN in Automation e. V.
ARM ® and Cortex ® are registered trademarks of ARM Limited.
PROFINET® is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of the Modbus-IDA organisation.
i.MX6 is a registered trademark of Freescale.
The rights of all companies and company names mentioned in this document as well as products and
product names belong to the respective companies.
Notes about this handbook
This equipment handbook contains information which is specific to the product and valid at the time of
This equipment handbook is only complete in conjunction with the product-related hardware and soft-
ware manuals required for the specific application.
You can contact us at:
Berghof Automation GmbH
Arbachtalstrasse 26
72800 Eningen
T +49.7121.894-0
F +49.7121.894-100
Email: [email protected]
Berghof Automation GmbH is certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.