Berghof Automation GmbH | Arbachtalstrasse 26 | 72800 Eningen | Germany | www.berghof-automation.com
CAN interfaces
B-Fortis devices are available in versions with 1 or 2 standard CAN interface which can be used at a
speed of up to 1 Mbit/s.
Serial interfaces
The device can have 2 serial interfaces (1x RS-485; 1x RS-232).
Onboard analogue inputs/outputs
The device incorporates digital inputs/outputs and analogue inputs.
Additional interfaces
There is also a debugging interface located on the device which is accessible via a 3.5-mm jack plug
with a special cable (contact Customer Services if necessary).
Real-time clock
A software interface permits the current time and date to be set and read on a real-time clock with bat-
tery back-up.
microSD card
The standard commercial microSD card interface allows data to be written to or read from memory
Summary of features
ARM® CPU with CortexTM-A9 single core (800 MHz; optional dual core or quad core)
User program and data memory (RAM): 256 MB onboard
User program memory (flash) 256 MB onboard
1 USB host interface (USB 2.0)
Retain memory 100 kB
2 Ethernet 10/100 Base T interfaces (2nd interface: EtherCAT master interface)
1 or 2 CAN interfaces
2 serial interfaces (1x RS-232; 1x RS-485).
1 µSD card slot
Onboard I/O (digital and analogue)
Real-time clock