Copyright © BEP Marine Limited, All rights reserved
Product version: DCM3.2
Page 12
Date: 12/05/05
If after some time or use (6-12months) the accuracy seems to be degrading (possibly due to battery condition,
temperature, age – charging regime) it will be time to recalculate “n”.
Amp hour capacity reset
Amp Hour Capacity reading is reset to Max Battery Capacity when the following conditions occur.
The Battery Voltage is greater than 13.5V (factory default).
The Charge Current is less than 5A (factory default).
See note (a)
Conditions 1 & 2 must be met for 5 minutes.
(a). This should be changed to 4% of amp/hour rating of battery bank ie 220amp/hour bank = 220*4% = 8.8 use
Charge efficiency
Charging Efficiency is set at 85% (factory default) ie the battery will only accept 85% of the charge current.
This is a difficult parameter to set as after 75% recharge the efficiency will fall off to 0% at full charge. The
overall efficiency will change with temperature, battery condition, charging current/voltage and discharge level.
Trial and error with general usage is the only way to find this efficiency.
Actual capacity
Actual capacity is the present state of charge of Battery bank 1 when the monitor is installed/set up.
Voltage calibration
Factory set, this should not need to be changed.
Amps Calibration
Factory set, Amps Calibration if necessary should be performed under maximum possible load after zeroing
amps at no load.
Reset capacity
Reset capacity provides the option to reset the capacity to the programmed value (YES) or to leave it at the
current monitored level (NO)
Bilge monitor function
The bilge monitor function will be automatically set up when the “Bilge monitor” label is selected for Battery 3
While in bilge monitoring mode, the “C” button to reset the bilge monitor.
To exit the bilge monitor and resume battery monitoring, press the “V” button to return to V1 “Source voltage”.