General rules
The installation of an oil burner should
be carried out in accordance with local
regulations. The installer of the burner
must therefore be aware of all regula-
tions relating to oil and combustion.
Only oil suitable for the burner should
be used and then in combination with
a suitable oil filter before the oil pump
of the burner.
If the burner is replacing an existing
burner make sure that the oil filter is
replaced or cleaned. The installation
must only be undertaken by expe-
rienced personnel. Care should be
taken by the installer to ensure that no
electrical cables or fuel/gas pipes are
trapped or damaged during installation
or service/maintenance.
Installation instructions
General installation instructions ac-
company the burner and should be
left in a prominent place adjacent to
the burner.
Adjustment of burner
The burner is from the factory pre-set
to an average value that must then be
adjusted to the boiler in question.
All burner adjustments must be made
in accordance with boiler manufactu-
rers instructions.These must include
the checking of flue gas temperatures,
average water temperature and CO
or O
To adjust the combustion device,
start by increasing the air volume
When the burner starts it is burning
with excess air and smoke number
0. Reduce the air volume until soot
occurs and increase again to reach
a combustion free of soot.
By this procedure an optimum adjust-
ment is obtained. If larger nozzles
are used the preadjustment of the air
volume must be increased.
Condensation in chimney
A modern burner works with less
excess air and often also with smal-
ler nozzles than older models. This
increases the efficiency but also the
risk of condensation in the chimney.
The risk increases if the area of the
chimney flue is too large. The tempe
rature of the flue gases should exceed
60°C measured 0,5 metres from the
chimney top.
Pump adjustment
See separate description.
Adjustment of burner
To obtain a correct adjustment a
flue gas analysis and a temperature
measurement must be carried out.
Otherwise there is a risk that a bad
adjustment may cause a formation of
soot, bad efficiency or condensate in
the chimney.
The boiler/burner should be examined
regularly for any signs of malfunction
or oil leakage.
Measures to raise the temperature:
Insulate the chimney in cold attics
Install a tube in the chimney
Install a draught regulator (dilutes the
flue gases during operation and dries
them up during standstill)
Increase the oil quantity
Raise the flue gas temperature by
removing turbulators, if any, in the
Instructions for use
The end user of the burner should be
instructed about the operation and
safety features of the burner.
He should also be made aware of
the importance of the area around
the boiler/burner being kept free of
combustible material.
Air adjustment 0 - 32
171 305 69 07-01
Adjustment of nozzle assembly 0 - 22