when lit up indicates the opening of the anti-sabotage zone;
when flashing it indicates the memorization of the alarm on the anti-sabo-
tage zone.
indicates the service mode of the control panel; if flashing it indi-
cates the programming condition from the Keypad.
Furthermore, in the electronic key versions there are 3 lights connected to
the key reader. For an explanation of these lights see the following para-
graph "The digital key".
On the panel there is a button utilized for excluding the corresponding
alarm zone and a button for the resetting (Reset) of the alarm memories.
All the buttons normally are not functionable and the control panel must be
put in the
service mode
in order to operate them.
The control panel is equipped with a buzzer which supplies responses to
the pressed buttons according to the following rules:
shrill sound:
Indicates the pressure of a button;
deep sound:
Indicates a state of error;
long, shrill sound:
Indicates that a command has been accepted.
Moreover, the buzzer indicates, with various sounds, the elapsing of the
exit time, the pre-alarm condition and the alarm condition.
The electronic key
By means of the electronic key, operated by NormaQuattro and Nor-
maOtto, it is possible to carry out in a quick and simple manner the main
operations on the system.
There are two different levels of keys: the "master" key (main key) with
which you can carry out all the possible operations; the secondary key
which is enabled only for the exclusion of the partitioning groups.
On the key reader (externally situated or placed on the panel in the K ver-
sions) there are three LEDs which indicate the condition of the system.
indicates the condition of the system: on if the system is armed,
off if disconnected.
condition of the partitioning group A: on if the group is ex-
condition of the partitioning group B: on if the group is ex-
The indication on the key readers can be attained always or only when a
valid key is inserted depending upon how it has been established in the
programming phase.
If, on inserting a key, the three leds of the key reader flash, it means that
the key isn’t valid.
Alarm control panel