1403BSHH_AMEN,page 21/29
12.2 Heat exchanger maintenance
This heater is equipped with a T-CORE² heat exchanger.
Remove any external dirt or dust accumulation. Visually
check the heat exchanger for cracks and holes. If a crack
or hole is observed, replace the heat exchanger.
A T-CORE² heat exchanger has a primary and secondary
heat exchanger – check both sections.
12.3 Burner
This heater has a unique one-piece T-CORE
assembly designed to provide controlled flame stability
without lifting or flashback. The burner can be removed
as a unit for inspection or service : see below for
removal instructions.
Inspect the burner/control compartment annually to
determine if cleaning is necessary. If there is an
accumulation of dirt, dust, and/or lint, clean the
compartment and follow the instructions below to remove
and clean the burner.
12.3.1 Burner
Outside the cabinet, shut the gas
supply off at the manual valve
ahead of the union
Turn off the electric supply.
Disconnect the gas supply at the
union outside of the cabinet.
Open the access door.
Remove burner :
Figure 17
Remove 2 screws of the burner shield
Figure 18
Figure 19
Disconnect gas manifold at the 90° elbow
Figure 20
Gas manifold is split
Use of eye protection is recommended.