Reference Manual
Rev. 08
The CT FACTOR is the ratio of current transformer. (e. g. 1000/5 = ratio 200). At BLR-CM3phase the CT-Factor is used for
all three current channels.
For current measuring a CT always have to be used!
VT FACTOR is the ratio of the voltage transformer. If the regulator is connected directly to the measurement voltage
without VT the value 1 has to be used
2.4.5 START AI
Automatic initialization is switching all exits. During this test it can get information, which exits are working and it can
correct the connection of the measuring channels for voltage and current by internal settings.
Automatic initialization can be started only when the “happy face” is shown (voltage and current are ok) and when
CONTROL is not set to status OFF or FREEZE manually or by alarm-system. BLR-CM3phase needs at least one 3ph. Ca-
pacitor-bank for AI! If CONTROL setting is FREEZE done by AI, then a restart is possible.
When AI is running, the status line of BLR-CM shows the message: “AI ACTIVE”. The maximum number of switching
operations during AI is 10 per exit (normally between 2 and 5). AI is taking care about the setting of discharge time for
each exit. If there is a very long discharge time necessary, AI will take a certain time.
The following messages from AI are possible:
ALARM: AI OK AI is finished completely. Please check if all used exits are shown with their number in the display
and please check if BLR-CM is working correctly.
ALARM: CHECK CTs (only BLR-CM3phase) (CONTROL setting is: FREEZE) Following reasons are possible: Rotary
field of current measuring is not clockwise or one or two current paths have wrong polarity.
ALARM: STEPS (CONTROL setting is: FREEZE) Capacitors cannot be detected, because they are not controlled
by controller or the rating is smaller as limit. BLR-CM3phase: there is no 3ph. capacitor bank available!
AI ABORTED (CONTROL setting is: FREEZE) AI couldn’t be finished. The reason could be permanent load varia-
tion during AI. Please try it again or do the settings manually.
AUTOMATIC INITIALIZATION is only able to work, when capacitors are used for compensation. If BLR-CM has
to switch reactors for compensation of capacitive load, this feature will cause failures. AI is working at best,
when there are stable load conditions!