14) Once dry fold in on itself until you end up a strip the same width as the
tent and fold it on itself until you have a square. Then slightly unroll the
tent. Put the groundsheet , poles and pegs on top and roll around them to
create a roll the correct size for the bag.
15) Use the ties to secure the roll and put it in the bag,
Job done and as the poles and pegs are secure in the middle of the tent they are
protected and you won’t leave them behind. (You’d be amazed how many calls
we get form people in fields on weekends desperate for poles of pegs that were
left at home!
You want to adhere to the same rules as above as in keeping the canvas off the
ground unless its bone dry.
6) Having unpegged the whole deluxe tent fold it over once on itself so
that you’ve got half the groundsheet pointing at the sky and it’s canvas on
7) Let that half of the underside dry off
8) Then move the tent so you’re away from the condensation left under it’s
footprint and roll it over so the other half of the underside can dry.
9) Once dry follow the normal instructions from 13)
Cleaning mud off my Tipi Tent
What with the British weather odds on you’ll get mud splattered onto if at some
The best way to get it off is to leave it alone until it’s dried out. If that means
taking the tent out again when you get home then that’s what you need to do.
Once the tent is bone dry a stiff hand brush will work miracles. If you mess
around with wet mud and wet cloths you’ll end up just rubbing it in.
To clean the Groundsheet wash it with a hose and brush or not to powerful
jetwash and allow to dry.
Any problems feel free to call us , even if it’s a weekend we’ll try and answer or
email us at
. We’re always looking for better ways of doing
things so please let us know if you have any ideas of how to do anything quicker
of better.
We hope you have loads of fun with your tent and as long as it’s stored correctly
it should give you years of pleasure.
ENJOY and see you in a field soon!!