7) Once all 5 internal poles are up come out and zip the door up. Now go to
either side of the tent and fit the small poles to each corner of the tent peg.
Now peg out the short guy ropes and angle the two outside edge ropes slightly
away from the centre two to give more stability. Again start off quite loosely
otherwise you’ll end up with the tent leaning towards where you started.
8) Once all the guy ropes are in it’s now time to go round tightening all the
adjusters to get the tent good and taught.
9) Finally go round the tent tucking the skirt under the groundsheet from the
inside of the tent to create a weather resistant seal. It’s worth taking the time to
do this properly to avoid leaks. (not on deluxe)
Job done!!
Next time you put your Touareg up it will take a fraction of the time and you
should find it takes around10 mins.
Taking down your Touareg and getting it back in the
You might think this is telling you how to suck eggs but if you follow this routine
your tent will stay clean, dry and last you for years.
It is VITAL that your tent is stored Bone Dry. If you have to take it down wet get it
straight out when you get home and hang it over something to start drying it out.
If you wait a day or so you run the risk of mould. Once you get that you’re stuck
with it as it grows in the material not just on it.
Hang it on a washing line, in the garage or over furniture, anywhere where it can
start to dry.