4.5.3 Receiving SMSs in your personal user account
To receive SMS messages in your personal user account, you must give your user number to
your correspondents.
To find your user number:
Select "SMS" and confirm with "OK" on the left menu key.
Select "Settings" with the navigator, then "OK" with the left menu key.
Select "Users" with the navigator, then "OK" with the left menu key.
Your user name appears in the list.
Select your user name with the navigator and confirm with "OK" on the left menu key.
Enter your password and confirm with "OK" on the left menu key.
Select "Terminal Number" with the navigator and "OK" with the left menu key.
Your user number appears on the screen.
You correspondents will need to add this user number to your telephone number when they want
to send SMSs to your personal user account.
E.g. If your personal user number is "1" and your telephone number is 022 222 222, your
correspondents should send their SMS messages to:
02 222 22 22
This is the number you need to remember and give to your correspondents.
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