st 605
Base lights
Call in progress
Missed calls in Calls List*
Within range of base
Out of range, or handset not
Steady: handset off base
- 3 coloured stripes:
battery charged up
- fewer than 3 coloured stripes:
batteries need recharging
Flashing: handset on base
New SMS messages
Calls List contains missed
calls not yet consulted
Alarm set
Red: handset on base
- On: missed call(s)
- Off: no missed calls
- Flashing rapidly: registration
mode / voice mail
- Flashing slowly: locating
handset and during copy of
SIM card
- Steady: power cord connec-
- Off: power cord disconnected
- Short press: locate handset
- Long press: register handset
New SMS(s) received
Belgacom_Couv_uk.qxd 15/04/04 08:04 Page 3