Tip for players:
It only matters where the cat and the objects are positioned: next to something,
on, under, etc. It doesn’t matter if the pillow is not quite at the same angle as in the photo, or
which way the cat is facing. Younger children are allowed to point at things occasionally when
End of the game
The winner is the first child to collect four cards.
If there are more than four players, it is recommended to play only until one of the children
has collected three cards.
Version for children from 5 years old
Now the symbol dice comes into play! The children take it in turns to throw the dice. The dice
shows three different symbols, each prompting a different action:
Here the neighbour to the left of the player has to take part. He takes a photo card and
displays it briefly. Then he asks twice (speaking slowly): “Where is our Monty?” He
then straight away places the card face down on the table. Now the player whose turn
it is has to reconstruct the situation on the card. He then turns the card over. Is every-
thing in the right place? If so, he can keep the card. Otherwise he puts it back at the
bottom of the pile.
The same procedure as for the “Bed”, with the difference that the player’s left-hand
neighbour displays the card upside-down.
If a player throws the “Mouth”, he has to choose a helper to build for him. First, the
player takes a card and looks at it – but the other players are not allowed to see the
motif! While he is looking at the card, the other players slowly ask the question twice:
“Where is our Monty?” Then the card is laid face down on the table. Now the player
tries to describe to his helper where the objects and the cat are positioned. The card
is then turned over and compared: has the situation been reproduced correctly? If so,
the player is allowed to keep the card.
Many children find it easier to describe the situation to their “helper” if they are standing
behind him – they are then viewing the scene from the same perspective.
Here, too, the winner is the first child to collect four cards.
If there are more than four players, it is recommended to play only until one of the children
has collected three cards.
Possible versions for children 6 years old and over
The rules are the same as for the version with the dice. For children aged 6 or over, when the
symbol “Mouth” is thrown on the dice, they should manage without pointing or gestures, and
should describe only in words. They can practise using “left” and “right”. It is recommended that
the player describing the card should turn round and close his eyes.