22411 Find Monty!
Monty the cat has hidden from the dog and he’s muddled everything up in the process. He has
pushed the bedcover and the pillow onto the carpet … but where’s he gone now? Describe
Monty’s hiding place, or reconstruct it using the pillow, the cover and the bed!
This develops both spatial perception and the use of language.
“Find Monty” is an excellent game for developing spatial perception, powers of observation
and use of language. It trains formulations and spoken vocabulary in a fun situation. The basic
directions “left” and “right” are learned. Especially prepositions (expressions of place, like “on”,
“under”, “next to”, “in front of”) are practised. Thus “Find Monty” is ideal for foreign language or
integration teaching.
The photo cards are useful for practising spatial description. Go through them with the
children before the game, and let them tell you what they can see on the cards!
Game preparations
Place Monty’s carpet on the table and place the bed, with the pillow and bedcover, on it. Shuffle
the 34 cards, and place them in a pile face down in the middle of the table.
How to play
The player who has most recently stroked a cat is allowed to begin. He takes a card, looks at it
briefly and then places it face down on the table. Has he noted all the details accurately? Can he
reconstruct the situation correctly? Where is the cat, the bedcover, the pillow? If everything has
been correctly reconstructed, he is allowed to keep the card. Otherwise it has to be put back at
the bottom of the pile. Now play continues round the table.
Take a card and
look at it
Place it face down on
the table
Reconstruct the motif
Right: The player can
keep the card
Wrong: Card is repla-
ced at the bottom of
the pile
– Place the carpet on the table Place the
cat on it, and the bed with the pillow
and cover
– Place the cards in the middle of the
table, face downwards
– Put the dice out ready