5.1 Scale and tag marking
BA614DF-F indicators are fitted with a blank
escutcheon around the liquid crystal display. If
specified when the instrument is ordered, this can
be supplied printed with units of measurement and
tag information. Alternatively, information may be
added on-site via an embossed strip, dry transfer
or a permanent marker.
To gain access to the display escutcheon remove
the terminal cover by unscrewing the two 'A'
screws which will reveal two concealed 'D' screws.
Unscrew all four 'D' screws and carefully lift off the
front of the instrument. The location of all these
screws is shown in Fig 2.
After adding the required legends, or fitting a new
pre-printed self-adhesive escutcheon, ensure that
reassembling the instrument enclosure.
5.2 Tag plate
The BA614DF-F can be supplied with a blank or
custom laser marked stainless steel plate secured
by two screws to the front of the instrument
enclosure. This plate can accommodate:
1 row of 9 alphanumeric characters 10mm high
or 1 row of 11 alphanumeric characters 7mm high
or 2 rows of 18 alphanumeric characters 5mm
5.3 Pipe mounting kits
Two pipe mounting kits are available for securing
the BA614DF-F to a horizontal or vertical pipe.
BA392D Stainless steel bracket secured by two
worm drive hose clips for 60 to 80mm
outside diameter pipes.
Heavy-duty stainless steel bracket
secured by a single 'V' bolt. Will clamp
to any pipe with an outside diameter
between 40 and 80mm.
5.4 Fieldbus Interface Guide
The FOUNDATION™ fieldbus Interface Guide for
Fieldbus Displays & Fieldbus Indicators contains
commissioning information for the BA614DF. A
copy may be requested from the BEKA sales office
or from the BEKA web site at www.beka.co.uk