3.2.1 Installation in the presence of
combustible dust
The IECEx dust certification relies on the fieldbus
listener enclosure being dust-tight. Therefore the
terminal cover should only be removed when dust
can not enter the instrument enclosure. Before
replacing the terminal cover ensure that the
sealing gaskets are undamaged and are free from
foreign bodies.
The IECEx certificate may be downloaded from
www.beka.co.uk, www.iecex.com or requested
from the BEKA sales office.
A3.3 Versions of the BA444DF-F
All versions of the BA444DF-F fieldbus indicator
have IECEx certification. This includes:
ATEX version for use in gas atmospheres
IECEx code
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
FISCO Field Device Ex ia IIC T4
Ta = -40ºC to 70º
ATEX version for use in gas and dust
IECEx code
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
FISCO Field Device Ex ia IIC T4
Ex ia IIIC T100
C Da IP66
Ta = -20ºC to 60
Factory Mutual Approved version
IECEx code
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
FISCO Field Device Ex ia IIC T4
Ta = -40ºC to 70ºC