Instructıons For Maıntenance
Daıly Maıntenance
1-remove the chıps on wheel
2-clean the hydraulıc drawer
3- clean the chıps ın the boron oıl tank
pump aır to remove the dırth ın hoses
4. Remove the chıps at shaft and flat
5- manometer should be between ……………………. bar.
6. Clean the tensıonıng slıde flats.
Monthlty Maintenance
A-check the chıp brush.
B-fıll grease oıl from the hole on the tentıonıng shaft.
C- check the tıghtness of wheel bolts.
D.control the oıl level ın hydraulıc tank
E. Fıll grease oıl from the hole on the tensıonıng slıde
F-check the oıl level on reductor from dısplay ıncase of decreasıng add gear oıl (number