The MIDI THRU jack is used to loop through incoming MIDI data, i.e. any control data received at the MIDI IN
of the VIRTUALIZER PRO can be transmitted via the MIDI THRU jack to other MIDI devices/instruments.
The MIDI OUT jack allows for transmitting MIDI data that originate from the VIRTUALIZER PRO. We are
currently developing a software editor which will allow for storing single items of the VIRTUALIZER PROs
internal data on an external medium, by using controller commands. Thus, it will be possible to archive
VIRTUALIZER PRO settings and presets on a computer, sequencer or MIDI data recorder. Both MIDI Control
Change and MIDI Program Change commands will be transmitted when you edit or recall filter settings (see
6.2). Detailed information on this future control are available from our BEHRINGER hotline (Germany: tel.
(0)2154-920666), our international distributors and/or our Internet homepage http://www.behringer.de.
The BEHRINGER VIRTUALIZER PRO is a highly flexible device that can be used for a wide variety of applica-
tions. Prior to a presentation of the VIRTUALIZER PROs many uses, please note the following remarks on
how to set signal levels correctly.
3.1 Level setting
Take care to set all levels properly on the VIRTUALIZER PRO! Low levels deteriorate the dynamics of the
music signal, which results in a poor, weak and noisy sound. On the other hand, excess levels overdriving the
converters in the VIRTUALIZER PRO should also be avoided. Digital distortion is (unlike its analog counterpart)
very unpleasant to hear as it does not occur gradually but abruptly.
Use the input level meter of the VIRTUALIZER PRO to adjust the input signal to about -6 / -10 dB, so that the
Clip LED flickers only rarely. Make sure that it never lights up all the time!
3.2 Using the VIRTUALIZER PRO in the aux bus
By using the VIRTUALIZER PRO in an aux bus of your mixing console you can feed the channel signals of
one, several or even all console channels into the VIRTUALIZER PRO, i.e. for each channel you can use the
aux busses to separately determine the reverb levels of, for instance, various drum sounds: while lots of reverb
is applied to the snare drum, the effect intensity could be reduced in the channels assigned to the tom-toms.
To use the VIRTUALIZER PRO in the aux bus, the unit must be wired as follows:
Fig. 3.1: Wiring aux busses
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