RoboBlot - User Manual [en-GB]
Rev: 2 | CRF: 2665
Bee Robotics Ltd
Pg. 36 of 64
2: Silence alarm
When the issue menu appears and for its duration, the instrument will play an audible tone in-
order to get the operator’s attention. When the issue has been noticed, it’s possible to press this
button to mute the alarm while inspecting the problem.
3: Retry transfer
When a problem has been identified and resolved, the instrument can be ordered to retry the
transfer using this button. When performing the retry, the instrument will use the next available
tips in the tip rack, i.e. if transfer failed with a tip from A1, the retry will take a tip from
coordinate B1.
4: Abort assay
When a problem has been identified and it’s clear that it cannot be resolved, potentially due to a
mechanical issue, it’s possible to exit from the assay by clicking on this button. Note that all the
progress of the protocol will be lost.
5: Skip transfer
When a problem has been identified and it appears that the sample cannot be transferred for any
reason, it’s possible to abandon that transfer and continue with the rest of the assay by pressing
this button to skip it. The next transfer will continue as normal.
Note that the tray well itself will still be processed by the instrument, which means reagent will be
dispensed as normal.
6: Skip all remaining transfers
This action when enabled will cause the instrument to skip the current and all subsequent sample
and control transfers and proceed immediately to incubation / sample processing. Note that this
feature only becomes active when at-least 1 sample transfer has been successfully performed.
7: Manual transfer
This has the same behaviour as “Skip transfer”, but internally it records the control transfer as
having been done manually by the user, rather than skipped entirely. The onus is on the operator
to ensure the transfer is performed.