Tompkins Research,
Inc. is a company dedicated to innovative
products that improve the quality of life for many people. The
Bedfan is an original product idea that was conceptualized and
created back in early 2000 after President and CEO, Kurt Tompkins,
searched the market place for a fan that could keep him cool all
night without having to increase the cost of his A/C bill.
The many fans he tried
only produced a lot of over
head “wind” but did not
provide the constant cool
relief and a good night’s
sleep he was seeking. He
could find nothing on the
market that could solve his
frustrating dilemma. Tomp
kins realized he would
need to create something
on his own. After hundreds
of designs and trials, Kurt
invented what is now The
Tompkins Research, Inc.
And The Bedfan Personal Cooling Sys
After many family members and friends tried his Bedfan he discov
ered a whole new market: menopausal woman. His mother-in-law,
who suffers from hot flashes, tried the Bedfan, and had her first
comfortable, dry night in years. That is when Kurt Tompkins real
ized he could help a lot of people—not just hot sleepers.
Thank you for buying The Bedfan and we hope that you will enjoy
it as much as we do. Please know your purchase was conceptual
ized, designed, developed, and assembled right here in the U.S.A.!
Help support American products and the American dream. Help
keep America free, please study history.
Above, Kurt, Shelley, Hannah, Izabella Tompkins & Murphy