How to use Your Bedfan
et us discuss how to properly use the Bedfan. This section is very
important for proper operation. Please read all of this and take it to
your bed with you if you need to.
The first important fact to remember is that the Bedfan has more
power than you will probably ever need. This will help the Bedfan
last much longer. So when you start using the Bedfan start at the
lowest speed and work your way up.
When you use the Bedfan for the first time you will feel something
that you have never felt before. This feeling will take some getting
used to for some people but you will find your comfort zone in due
time. You should always start slow and work your way up.
You will most likely be a little cool the first time you use the Bedfan.
If that is the case, you will need to make your room warmer. This
is where you start to save money on your air conditioning bill. If
you usually keep your room at 68 or 70 degrees you will soon find
yourself at 78 degrees or higher if you use the Bedfan properly.
When starting out if you are only concerned about your feet getting
cool you can put some socks on until you become acclimated to the
new feeling. As mentioned before it will take time to get used to
the feeling but it will come and it will be well worth it. As seasons
change you may need to change the way you use the Bedfan and the
amount of clothing you wear while in bed.
When you are lying in bed you should be able to put your big toe
under the breeze bar just to make sure that it is high enough. If you
can not put your big toe under the Breeze Bar, It is not high enough.
If it is not high enough it will not put out enough air. You will end
up having to run the Bedfan at a much higher speed than is needed.
What to wear when using the Bedfan. To be quite honest, less is
best. The more clothes you have on the more body heat you will
retain. This will defeat the purpose of using the Bedfan.
Keep your speed controller under your pillow for easy access,
take your time and remember you are in control. If you have any
questions, please contact me at [email protected], I will be more
than happy to help.