Access from the user program
Version: 3.0.0
R32: Baud rate
The default values are shown in square brackets.
Bit no.
Baud rate
Bit 2, Bit 1, Bit 0
1200 baud
2400 baud
4800 baud
9600 baud
19200 baud
Bit 3 - 15
not used – do not change!
Furthermore, the baud rate can be set according to the following equation:
Baud rate = 4 MHz/(16*(HB+1))
It is necessary for 0xFF to be written into the low byte here, while the high byte (HB) provides the operator.
R33 - R47
Registers that depend on the terminal type.
R33: Data Frame
This register is used to set the data frame.
Bit no.
Baud rate
Bit 2, Bit 1, Bit 0
0 0 1
7 data bits, even parity
0 1 0
7 data bits, odd parity
0 1 1
8 data bits, no parity [0 1 1]
1 0 0
8 data bits, even parity
1 0 1
8 data bits, odd parity
Bit 3
0: 1 stop bit [0]
1: 2 stop bits
Bit 4 - 15
not used – do not change!
R34: Feature register
The feature register specifies the operating modes of the terminal.